Press the up arrow for the character to jump.  Achieve as high of a score as possible by dodging the obstacles and staying alive!

9/23 - Included character jump physics, obstacle spawner, time-based scoring, high score record saving system, and added lives to the character.

9/30 - Included start and game over menus, updated the frequency of spawns, added power-ups, and added constraints on only single jumps for player.

10/7 - Updated graphics along with changing controls to WASD.

10/14 - Effects, power up moving left to right, start screen changes

10/21 - Changes to health bar and score interface along with powerups (powerups are currently WIP)

10/28 Update effects include boss attack patterns, collider damage changes, flying powerup with new animations

11/5 Added in power-up effects along with rotating textbooks, added in power-up timers, adjusted the attack patterns for the boss, created a score multiplier power-up, added double jump animation 

11/11 Added obstacle effects, fixed power-up slider UI, adjusted boss attacks, pause menu added, fixed balloon animation

11/18 - Added effects for boss obstacles, fixed carrot spawning issue, fixed obstacle spawning bug + improved change of obstacle spawning height, included boss exit animation

11/30 Added new boss animations, added instructions, fixed bug spawning issue, added music audio source so music loops, included boss animations


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